Lichterwürfel Origami Varianten/ Light Cubes Origami Light Decoration

Lichterwürfel Origami Varianten/ Light Cubes Origami Light Decoration

I recently worked on new variations for the light chains in my Etsy-Shop!

Here are some additional pictures for you!

This are the variations:
  1. Rot/ Rot
  2. Blau / Blue
  3. Grün/ Green
  4. Rot-Grün/ Red-Green
  5. Blau-Gelb/ Blue-Yellow
  6. Rot-Blau/ Red-Blue
  7. Lila-Türkis/ Purple-Turquoise
  8. Lila-Vintage/ Purple Vintage
  9. Romantische Blümchen/ Romantic Florets

Blau-Gelb/ Blue-Yellow

Rot-Blau / Red-Blue

Rot-Grün/ Red-Green

Romantische Blümchen/ Romantic Florets

Lila-Türkis/ Purple-Turquoise

Decided upon a variation?
You can find it right here: Etsy-Shop

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